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TOECS Level I Lecturers Course

TOECS Level I Lecturers Course


Candidates must fulfil the following criteria before being accepted on a Level I Lecturer’s Course:

1. Experience as a teacher or other form of educationalist – an experienced communicator

2. Be available to the National Federation and IAAF to present Level I TOECS courses

3. Proficient and Fluent in the RDC Language, both spoken and written

4. Athletics Officiating background to a minimum of IAAF TOECS Level II

5. Be physically fit and able to officiate throughout the full range of all athletic events

Candidate’s who have previously attended a TOECS Lecturer’s Course, but who did not receive accreditation as a TOECS Level I Lecturer are prohibited from attending further Lecturer’s Courses. The maximum number of participants for a Level I Lecturer’s course is 15.


Level I Lecturer Courses follow a standard syllabus and timetable. The amount of time required for each unit is dependent according to the topic and the needs of the course participants. Candidates are expected to take part in all units of the course.

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